Husband-to-be wants everyone at their wedding ceremony to know his fiancée is not ‘pure’

Sometimes we believe we know someone until they show their true face and turn our world upside down.

It was back in November 2022 when a woman who found herself in a total confusion because of an unusual request decided to take to the Reddit’s forum Off My Chest and seek advice.

Starting her story, the woman explained that she and her fiance have been together for six years and engaged for eight months. As they have decided on a date and booked a venue for their wedding ceremony, she was busy making plans and organizing everything, even the tiniest of details. Her future husband wasn’t as involved but he would occasionally throw some ideas.

One day, he made a rather unusual request. He wanted her to wear a red dress on the wedding day. As it is a tradition for the bride to wear white, she was puzzled by his words but didn’t pay much attention at the time. She only told him that she would wear white and although he seemed annoyed by her answer, he let the matter drop.

Around two weeks before the wedding, OP purchased her wedding gown. It was a beautiful white dress that fit her perfectly. Her fiance requested to see the dress, but she though it would be for the best for him to see her in it on the day of the wedding. He, however, insisted, and after a couple of minutes he asked about the color. When she told him it was white, he got really mad.

Perplexed by his preference of red, she asked him why he didn’t want her to wear white on her wedding day and his answer made her question their future together.

As it turned out, when the two met, he was still a virgin and she had a single previous partner so he considered her not to be ‘pure’ and only those women who were ‘pure’ were allowed to wear white on their wedding day.

OP couldn’t believe the words coming out of her fiance’s mouth.

In a desperate attempt to win the argument, he contacted his mother. Just as OP, she was shocked by her son’s words. She sided with OP and told her son that if he wanted his future wife to red because she wasn’t a virgin then he should wear red as well. He started crying and said it was different because he was a man.

Disgusted by his words, she started contemplating the decision to marry him.

In an update posted on Dating Advice, OP wrote that she called off the wedding and met someone else. Her first date with the new man in her life took place at a lovely waterfront seafood restaurant in North Carolina. She was unsure what attire would be appropriate, and the fellow redditors suggested she wear red.

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