A woman urges customers to wash their new clothes after making a shocking discovery.

Why Washing New Clothes is Crucial: A Terrifying Discovery on TikTok

A Universal Precaution: Washing Before Wearing

Many of us buy clothes and wear them straight away without giving it a second thought. However, it might be high time to reconsider this habit, especially after a woman’s horrifying experience at a clothing store. The primary reason for washing new garments is straightforward: they could be teeming with germs due to multiple people touching and trying them on before you make the purchase.

“When you’re shopping for clothes, you’re not the first one to touch them. Germs are a real concern,” warns one cautious shopper.

A Spine-Chilling Encounter: Cobwebs and Spiders

Ellen Danz, a TikToker, was left screaming after she found cobwebs covering clothes in a store. As if that wasn’t unnerving enough, she also discovered spider eggs on the garments and even a large spider lurking nearby. The sight was enough to make anyone’s skin crawl, reinforcing the importance of washing new clothes.


“My heart stopped,” commented one TikTok user, expressing the general sentiment of many who saw the video.

The Shocking Touch: Public Reaction

People were flabbergasted to see Ellen touch the infested garment with her bare hands. The video sparked a range of reactions, from questioning her courage for physically handling the items to others expressing sheer disbelief and horror.

Store Closure: An Outcome of Neglect


In a follow-up video, Ellen disclosed that the particular store branch had closed down a week after her unnerving discovery. This revelation led viewers to ponder what they might have done in a similar situation and to question why the store had not called in pest control earlier.

Lessons from the Incident: Call to Action

The unnerving experience shared by Ellen on TikTok serves as a stark reminder of why washing new clothes is more than just a suggestion; it’s a necessity.

“You should always wash new clothes; you never know what you might find,” advised another TikTok user.

So, the next time you buy new clothes, remember Ellen Danz’s frightful experience and make sure to toss those garments in the wash before putting them on. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

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