Couple expects identical twins — freeze when the doctor says “I’m sorry”

Expecting Twins: A Journey from Fear to Joy

Double the Emotion

Expecting a child is an exciting time filled with anticipation, and expecting twins can naturally be even more overwhelming. Matt and Jodi Parry experienced double the emotion when they discovered they were expecting twin girls, adding to their family that already included a son.

From Joy to Fear

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Unfortunately, their joy and anticipation turne to fear and anxiety when their doctor called them in, apologizing and delivering the news that their prematurely born twins, Abigail and Isobel, had been diagnosed with Down’s syndrome. Jodi recalls the doctor describing the diagnosis as “a lifetime punishment.”

Overcoming the Challenge

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At first, Jodi and Matt were filled with uncertainty, not knowing if their girls would ever walk, talk, or even attend school. They received little help or guidance on how to care for babies with Down’s syndrome.

Determined, the family sought out information on their own and provided their daughters with all the love and support they needed.

Proving Doubters Wrong

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Today, five years later, Abigail and Isobel have proven the doctor and all the prejudiced people around them wrong.

Jodi reflects, “We wouldn’t change Abigail and Isobel for the world now.”

Every individual, regardless of whether they have a syndrome or not, deserves a chance in life, and Abigail and Isobel are the perfect examples.

Embracing Opportunities for All

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For too long, people with Down’s syndrome have been made to feel invisible and forgotten due to their diagnosis. It’s essential to recognize that individuals with Down’s syndrome should have the same opportunities and freedoms as others.


Our Down's Syndrome Twins | Living Differently


Like and share if you agree that everyone deserves a chance in life, regardless of their diagnosis!

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