Parents were ready to give their approval to have their daughter disconnected from the medical devices and this happenedBeing a parent is a huge responsibility, but the satisfaction and joy felt are beyond measure. Seeing your baby grow up in an environment full of love and harmony is a unique feeling, an emotion that fills our souls with joy and makes us look to tomorrow with more hope. The next story we prepared for you is tragic and shows us how two parents felt when they thought their world was over. A story about love and hope. A story that shows us that we must always trust that God is watching and loves us.
Francesca and Lee Moore-Williams from Essex were overjoyed when their little girl named Bella was born. She filled their lives with joy with her perfect smile and warm look, but shortly, their world was about to turn upside down. When the little one turned 18 months old, they were on vacation in the Canary Islands.
Bella became seriously ill and her parents returned urgently to their homeland to start the medical investigations. After several medical tests, the doctors gave them a very painful verdict: their little girl had major brain problems and had to be connected to breathing devices.

The girl was deficient in vitamin biotinidase, a vitamin that helps grow cells essential for growth. This disease is very rare, and both parents could not believe it happened to their child. After a few weeks in which the little girl’s condition worsened, the parents signed the documents necessary to disconnect the little girl from the breathing apparatus. Before doing so, the three took one last picture together. Fortunately, it would not be the last picture.

After less than an hour, little Bella miraculously recovered and began to breathe and cry loudly. The parents called the doctors and they started the tests again, and what they discovered amazed them. They had never seen anything like it before. Bella had recovered, her blood oxygen levels were normal and they concluded she was healthy.

A real miracle, they said! They prescribed her a treatment for the vitamin deficiency he had and after almost half a year Bella returned to normal.