Customers rage over door sign, restaurant’s response is brilliant

Many of you may have heard of the veterans discount. We live in a safe and lawful society thanks to the men and women who work in the police force.

Many people believe they are underpaid despite the fact that their job is among the hardest and most crucial in our nation.

A KFC store in Ohio decided to get in on the action lately as well. Once the sign was posted by the store it generated multiple online reactions.

Generally irrespective of time or the date the store policy was to allow all dressed in uniform to dine for free. This original idea was to offer a discount on the chicken to show appreciation to local officers. Ultimately this new policy was about to receive additional attention online.

Many discussions were prompted when this image was posted on a Facebook page called Ohio Going Blue

Despite having over 10,000 likes and 6000 shares there were many viewpoints.

Commenters wondered if it was even necessary to give this offer to police. Other remarks indicated that as an officer they would prefer not to be given special attention and in fact pay for it themselves. Comments from facebook page admins:

“This is a positive post, but some of you can’t see the bigger picture. As an officer, I do not go into any establishment expecting ANYTHING to be free if I’m in uniform or not. There are other officers who feel similar. We don’t like “special treatment”. The reason for the post is because KFC is acknowledging law enforcement. To those who stated that other first responders should also be acknowledged. My answer? ABSOLUTELY.”

The sign will remain posted in the store despite having earned so much media interest.

For the officers who put their lives at risk let this sign serve as a salute to them so they know we appreciate their efforts.

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