People are upset over sign KFC store posted on their doors – Restaurant refuses to take it down

Over the last few years, Law enforcement officers had had hard times, and things are only getting harder. Many Officers have been singled out and attacked as well as some people assuming that all cops are bad cops, or corrupt in some way.


Well, one restaurant decided they would make a difference, a place over at Gallipolis, Ohio decided to show the men and women in uniform that they are valued and appreciated. The sign in the window is really causing a stir!!


To absolutely prove to all the men and women in uniform that they have the city’s wholehearted appreciation for their work everyday, each time they put their own well being on the line to keep us all safe.

A delicious hot meal is no better way to fuel up before, during, or after a hard day and maybe even keep the streets even safer, how wonderful!

Ever since the sign has been pinned in the KFC window, things have gone crazy, it’s gone completely viral getting well over 5,000 shares and 10,000 likes on Facebook.

The store’s employees have even been joining in and commenting on the Facebook post, they absolutely do server all the uniformed police officers, completely FREE all day, every day!

You might expect the most people will be supportive and super happy about it, especially the men and women of the police force, but, there are also plenty of people that are not happy at all!

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