Father commits and act of generosity for this elderly woman at the grocery store

While many of us like to imagine we would always do the right thing, that rarely actually happens.

If you saw a stranger struggling in a public place, you might feel bad, but not many would step up and do something to help them.

This father, however, did just that…

Ryan O’Donnell was with his two young children on a food shopping run when he did something remarkable.

Accompanied by his sons at a local supermarket in his hometown in Australia, Ryan noticed that the elderly woman in front of them in line was struggling at the cash register.

No matter how many times she or the cashier swiped her credit card, the card was declined. The woman did not seem to have any other way to pay for her small amount of groceries.

Ryan, bothered by the idea of the woman leaving without her groceries, immediately pulled a $50 bill out of his wallet to cover her $44 purchase.

Overcome with emotion, the older woman tried to ask Ryan how she could pay him back for his generosity. Ryan told her not to worry and kindly wished her well.

Unknown to Ryan, another individual at the store recorded his good deed. Someone snapped a picture that was later posted online. The post rose quickly in popularity, with many users amazed by the man’s kind act.

When asked by a local reporter why he decided to step in and help a stranger, Ryan said, “I did what my parents taught me–to help others when I could!”

”Realistically it was just because the lady reminded me of my mum and grandma and that’s how my mum and dad brought me up,” he said.

”If you can help, you do it where and when to the best of your ability.”

Many people have been inspired by Ryan, and most of us will likely try to emulate him in the future!

It really makes us think about what the world might look like if everyone could be a bit more like Ryan.

If this story inspired you or warmed your heart, share it with others and comment below!

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