The most unique twins: 45-year-old mom is happy she made a right choice

No wonder babies with Down syndrome are often called “sunny”. After all, these children are distinguished by such qualities as kindness, incredible responsiveness, sincere cheerfulness and philanthropy. But, of course, having learned about such a pathology in their unborn babies, many parents experience a real shock. They need time to accept the situation as it is and become truly happy.

So 45-year-old J. McConnell, when she found out that both of her future twins would be with a genetic pathology, was horrified. Her first thought was to give the boys up for adoption. But she found the strength to cope with this difficult situation. And, looking ahead, we can say for sure that mom did not regret it! Julie and her husband, Dan, planned the pregnancy consciously and knew about the possible risks of conceiving and bearing a baby

Before planning a pregnancy, the McConnell couple was warned about the possible risks of pathologies associated with the age of the parents. The McConnell couple admit that the day when the future babies were diagnosed was the worst in their lives, and the subsequent months of waiting for their birth were unbearably painful and painful.

Julie and Dan immediately could not even imagine how they would raise children with unusual needs, and this frightened them greatly. But, after talking with couples who already had a similar experience, and having received certain information, it became easier for them to accept the current situation.

When for the first time the woman saw her twins (Charlie and Milo), she experienced indescribable delight and realized the mistake she could make. “My heart jumps just looking at them!” Julie admits.

Everyone knows that the risk of birth of special children depends on the age of the expectant mother. So, at the age of 25, the probability of having babies with Down syndrome is 1/1400, but after 40 years it is about 1/60. But the chance of having twins with a similar genetic anomaly is approximately 14:1,000,000 people.

They try to spend more time with the kids, but they are very worried about their future: how others will treat them, whether their children will be abused and ridiculed, how they will realize themselves in the future. But this is already after … In the meantime, the McConnell family is happy and enjoying every day they live! We also wish them success in raising children and prosperity!

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