“Nobody will hire me” … humiliated Alyssa Milano cries on Twitter

Allysa Milano’s career wasn’t exactly the most impressive thing ever.

She was in a couple of shows and makes a name for herself as an activist, and she is incredibly hot at 50, but she wasn’t exactly knocking them dead at the box office.

Since her little attention grab with Elon Musk, however, things have gotten much worse.

Milano took to Twitter, ironically, to cry that nobody will give her a job since she humiliated herself over an electric car to “make a point.”

Milano supported the Nazis over an American company and then left her car running in a posh Soho neighborhood, only to have it catch fire. Now, she faces lawsuits from both Volkswagon and Tesla, as well as the owner of the Chevy parked behind her when her “woke” car went up in flames.

Now that she’s the laughingstock of Hollywood and New York City, her only recourse is to cry to her fans. So far, she’s collected nearly $1.2 million in donations to “get her by” while she battles Musk and the Germans.

It’s almost as if karma came knocking for some reason.

We reached out to Ms. Milano but she told us she was “too depressed to comment.”

She also noted that none of this would be happening to her had we not invented it in the first place, but we’re not the ones who made a big deal out of buying a Volkswagon, okay lady?

Sheesh. Liberals. They’re so needy.

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