Jane Fonda Accused Of “Treason” During News Broadcast…

During the Vietnam War, actor Jane Fonda traveled to Asia. She was photographed with the enemy of the United States and was heavily criticized for the photos. Fonda has since explained that she did not mean anything by the old images, but her reputation was nonetheless torn to shreds by thousands of people who saw her protest of America’s involvement in the Vietnam War as a sign of treason against the government.

No formal charges were ever brought against Fonda for her role in the controversial images. However, a former Trump advisor has recently brought up Fonda’s troubled past during a Fox News segment and even accused the aging actor of committing “treason” when posing for the pictures in 1972.

Former senior Trump White House advisor Stephen Miller made the incendiary comments against Fonda during a Wednesday broadcast on a Fox News segment.

While speaking on the conservative entertainment-news channel, Miller went so far as to accuse the two-time Academy Award-winning actress of high treason because of how she flew to Vietnam in 1972 and went on a Vietnamese radio program to condemn American involvement in the Asian war.

In one photo from her Vietnam visit, Fonda was pictured straddling an anti-aircraft gun that would have been used to shoot down American pilots and planes that were in the airspace over Vietnam.
Fonda has reappeared in the public limelight recently through her activism work. Throughout Trump’s single term in office, she staged protests in Washington and was even arrested at least once. Now, she wants President Joe Biden to cancel Trump’s plans for a pipeline that he put in place while in office.

Now, Miller is turning to Fox News to fight Fonda and defend the Trump pipeline from getting canceled by Biden.

“What she did in the Vietnam War… people may have forgotten this,” Miller said of Fonda. “She volunteered herself as a tool of North Vietnamese Communist propaganda. She did North Vietnamese propaganda broadcasts on their radio station.”

He added, “She sat on their anti-aircraft battery that’s used to shoot down American planes and American airmen. This is by any definition, and I am going to use the word, what she did is treason. And she was held up as a hero?”

Long ago, Fonda apologized to American veterans for the “Hanoi Jane” photo. However, she did not regret her anti-war activism.

“I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it, and I’m very sorry that I hurt them,” she told Barbara Walters back in 1988.

Recently, Fonda attacked President Biden for failing to stop the Trump pipeline fast enough. She also said that Biden has not done “enough” to stave off the environmental disaster brought about by the pipeline.

“We’re very, very grateful for what he’s been doing. He’s done a lot of very good things. But not enough. Not bold enough. And not fast enough. We’re up against time,” Fonda said. “The scientists say we have less than nine years to cut our emissions in half. Line 3 is going in the absolute opposite direction, and the news every day is telling us, emissions are going up, not down.”

“So we have to put our bodies on the line and do whatever we can to get our administration to call a halt to these permits,” she added.

Do you agree with Miller that Fonda is a traitor?

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