Woman With 7 Stone Leg Displays It Proudly Despite The Endless Internet Trolling

Weight stigma has become a matter of “social injustice and a significant public health issue,” according to Rebecca Puhl, the main author of two recent studies on the subject of fat shaming. It is so harmful to a person’s self-worth and willingness to seek medical attention.

Like everything else, negative body image may ruin a person totally, but raising awareness among young people is the first step in raising awareness.

Mahogany Geter, a Knoxville, Tennessee resident, suffers with lymphedema, a condition in which the body swells as a result of an accumulation of lymph fluid. Lymph nodes function similarly to a sink drain. The fluid cannot drain if there is a blockage in the drain. Though it can happen in other regions of the body, it generally affects the arms or legs.

The 23-year-old Texan with a distinctive appearance didn’t have it any easier due to the existence of trolls on the internet. Geter, however, made a video in response to the naive remarks made about her.

She shared some of the hurtful remarks that people have made to her in her post, such as, “Why don’t you amputate your leg? It will look better.”

Mahogany remarks, “It has been so hard to rise above these mean people, but I have no other choice,” in response to the constant hurtful remarks she hears.

Mahogany, who feels guilty and ashamed that she doesn’t have the “standard” beauty due to hurtful remarks made by others, seeks assistance from her family as well as the lymphedema community.

Her mother, Timika Geter, is aware of the radiant beauty she possesses both inside and out.

“It means I can do everything in my power to encourage others to embrace who they are and recognize their beauty.”


Mahogany always talks to her mother, who lifts her spirits when she’s feeling low due to her perspective.

About her mother, Mahogany says, “She’s like my therapist.”


Mahogany Geter is entering the modeling industry currently.

The illness may progress to lymphangiosarcoma, an uncommon and deadly tumor that develops in patients with chronic primary or secondary lymphedema. Still no remedy has been discovered for it.

Mahogany, who was diagnosed at birth, has never had an easy time believing she is attractive.


She remarked, “I used to think God had cursed me.” “I sobbed in secret a lot and felt ugly, like a freak of nature. Subsequently, I concluded that this ailment was bestowed upon me due to my tremendous emotional resilience.

“Since then, I’ve been working on accepting and celebrating who I am.”

Physiotherapy is Mahogany’s means of recuperating. She also likes to post videos of herself on TikTok and YouTube to spread awareness of lymphedema.


“Having to deal with flare-ups can be frustrating because I just want to live my life more freely, but I feel like I can’t.”

If you agree that Mahogany is a remarkable, resilient, and lovely person, please SHARE this wonderful article with your friends and family!

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