Has God Abandoned Me?

I can’t tell you how many times I have thought, “Has God abandoned me?”

Perhaps you have felt the same way too. In fact, you have prayed for days, months, or even years for God to remove your situation only to find it worse than ever. 

To put it bluntly, your life is hard. Really hard. And you don’t know when it is going to get any better.

Some of you may be dealing with a health crisis, a wayward child, a failing marriage, or a family situation you think will never be resolved.

Others of you may be frustrated with a job issue, lack of money, death in the family, or you have even been booted out of your home.

Whatever the problem, God isn’t moving on your behalf and you are angry. Perhaps you’re even losing hope because He is silent in the midst of your darkest time.

Frankly, it feels like God has left you. And even deeper, He doesn’t love you.

When you are asking, “Has God abandoned me?” remember that many others in the Bible felt the same way as you. Here are some examples: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Isaac,  Jacob, Joseph, Ruth, Samson, David, Jeremiah, Ezra, and Esther.

Even Jesus said on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Just like you, each of these people (including Jesus) experienced a temporary feeling of abandonment that passed when the trial lifted.

The truth is you are loved. God is with you even when you are feeling forgotten. In fact, He will never leave you.

In God’s infinite wisdom, He sees the whole picture and knows how each detail fits together perfectly to get just the right outcome at the right time.

He is crafting your story. Truthfully, you are connected to a bigger story that is beyond your imagination.

Be faithful to show up and do your part every day knowing that His providence is at work. God will tie all the loose ends together one day.

In time, every last detail will be resolved according to His will.  Trust He is fully engaged in your details when thinking, “Has God abandoned me?”

Matthew 6:26 says, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

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