How to Bond With Your Grandkids?

abies come hardwired to bond with their parents. No so much with grandparents. If we want to bond with our grandkids, we have to work a little harder at it.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. My husband and I, along with our young children, were
relocating to a town three hours away so my husband could study full time. My mother cried as we
said goodbye. She was so sure that her grandkids would grow up not knowing her.

In time, however, she and Dad bonded with each of our kids, even at a distance. And here I am,
31 years later, wanting to make a difference in my own grandchildren’s lives. I want to be an asset
to them, providing a listening ear, a welcoming heart, and a safe place to rest when life gets hard.
Most of all, I want to help introduce them to the faith that will sustain them through life’s challenges.

This relationship is important, but  In the grandchild bonding game, I’ve
learned that slow and steady is the best way to run this race.

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.

I once heard someone say, “Expectations are preconceived resentments.” It’s often true that our
disappointments are fueled by unmet expectations. Pay attention to the “ought” and “should” statements rolling around in your head, particularly concerning your relationship with your children and grandchildren.

He should call more. She should consult me about this. These unrealistic expectations feed
disappointment and discouragement, while realistic expectations keep you engaged and content with
where your relationship is right now.

If your preschool-aged grandchild FaceTimes all of 15 seconds with you and then heads off to another activity, that’s normal. If your teenage grandson doesn’t call back or respond to your text right away, that’s also normal.

Don’t make it about you.

Life doesn’t always happen the way we think it should, and as grandparents we must allow for busy seasons of life and a grandchild’s growing maturity.

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