Son Who Didn’t Visit His Mother for Years Comes and Sees Her House Destroyed

Adam hadn’t visited his mother for years, neglecting her after starting his own life. One day, he needed to pick up some documents from her home, only to find it destroyed and abandoned.

Diana Evans raised her son Adam alone, working hard to feed him and pay for his education. After high school, he attended a university halfway across the country. Though sad, Diana happily sent Adam off to New York while she remained in California. They kept in touch during his first few years there, with Adam calling his mother whenever he had time.

Diana never got to visit Adam in New York throughout his college years. Their primary communication was through phone calls, which lessened over time, but Diana still cherished them.

As Adam’s graduation approached, he called his mom to invite her. “Hey, mom!” he said on the phone.

“Hi Adam, it’s so great to hear from you! How have you been?” she asked excitedly.

“I’m good, mom! I’m calling because I’m finally graduating in two weeks. Will you be able to come over?” he asked.

Diana, feeling proud, promised to attend. After ending the call, she realized she didn’t have enough money for a round-trip ticket and a graduation gift for Adam. To earn extra money, she took on babysitting jobs. Once she saved enough, she bought a ticket and a watch as a gift for Adam, feeling any professional needed a nice watch.

Arriving in New York, Adam picked her up from the airport. They drove to his campus for the graduation ceremony, where Diana proudly cheered for Adam as he received his diploma. After the ceremony, they went to a fancy steak restaurant for dinner. Adam reassured her not to worry about the bill, as he had taken a part-time job to treat her. Diana, moved by his gesture, gave him the watch as a gift. Adam was touched, promising to wear it to work every day.

After a couple of days in New York, Diana had to return to California. Adam promised to visit home soon, but his calls gradually diminished and eventually stopped altogether.

Years later, Adam needed documents from California for his new firm in New York. He flew back home without informing his mom. Upon arrival, he found their house destroyed and abandoned. Concerned, he called his mother, who didn’t answer, so he approached their neighbor, Mr. Green, for information.

Mr. Green explained that a storm had severely damaged the house. Lacking funds for repairs and not wanting to burden Adam, Diana moved to a nursing home. Shocked and guilty, Adam quickly went to the nursing home, finding his frail mother in a wheelchair.

“Mom,” he said tearfully upon seeing her.

“Adam? What are you doing here?” Diana asked.

“Mom, I’m so sorry for not paying more attention to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me the most,” he said, sobbing and kneeling before her wheelchair. Diana, touched and relieved, tried to comfort him.

“Adam, don’t be ridiculous. Get up from there,” she said. He clung to her knees, promising never to leave her alone again. Adam kept his promise, repairing their old home and moving his mother out of the nursing home once it was completed. He also relocated his business to California and asked his girlfriend to move in with them.

From then on, they lived together happily. Adam and his girlfriend took care of Diana, ensuring her happiness, while Diana helped out at home, cooking meals and assisting with house chores.

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