Recognizing warning signs that your body needs attention is vital. Watch for:

1. Persistent Fatigue: Could indicate anemia or sleep disorders.

2. Unexplained Weight Changes: May signal metabolic disorders or medical conditions.

3. Chronic Pain: Especially in specific areas like joints or abdomen.

4. Digestive Problems: Chronic bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation.

5. Changes in Skin: New moles, changes in color or texture.

6. Mental Health Changes: Persistent sadness, anxiety, or mood swings.

7. Persistent Cough: Lasting for more than a few weeks or producing blood.

8. Shortness of Breath: Especially when at rest or during minimal exertion.

9. Frequent Illness: Recurrent infections or illnesses.

10. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Changes in pattern or heavy bleeding.

Being attentive to these signs and seeking medical advice promptly can help prevent complications and maintain overall health.

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