Mom Freaks Out After Noticing What’s In Background Of Daughter’s Back To School Picture

Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in August 2019.

It’s that time of year again, as Auburn students head back to school with enthusiasm, and our social media feeds fill up with heartwarming pictures of kids donning backpacks and grinning ear to ear.

Among these delightful snapshots, one back-to-school picture stands out. Seventh-grader Brooke Mills, a student at Auburn City School, appears in the photo with her contagious smile, sporting skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and meticulously styled hair.

At first glance, it seems like a typical scene – Brooke ready to take on the school year. However, there’s an astonishing detail lurking in the background that has made this photo an instant sensation.

Behind her, a tree captures attention. But the real surprise is the unexpected “photo-bomber” that has entered back-to-school picture history – a sizable snake, gracefully slithering down the tree, its gaze fixed on the Auburn student.

According to Brooke’s mother, the discovery of the reptilian guest unfolded during the photo session on a Thursday morning. Amid the excitement of capturing the perfect shot, the presence of the snake went unnoticed until the moment was in full swing.

As the camera clicked away, capturing Brooke’s infectious smile, the snake quietly revealed itself, taking a curious interest in the young student. It wasn’t until after the initial snaps that the snake’s appearance became apparent.

Recalling the incident, Brooke’s mother expressed, “Oh my goodness, it was quite frightening! I managed to snap a couple of photos and asked her to flash a smile, saying ‘show your teeth, sweetheart!’ That’s when I spotted the snake. I calmly called out to Brooke, ‘Come here,’ but she gave me a look like she wasn’t ready to wrap up the photo session. So, I calmly urged, ‘Brooke, step away from the tree immediately.’ My words were composed, but I’m certain my expression conveyed the urgency of the situation.”

Thankfully, this unexpected photobombing snake had no aggressive intentions, and its only mission seemed to be striking a pose alongside the cheerful student.

As Auburn families and communities gear up for the new school year, this unique back-to-school picture serves as a lively reminder that surprises often come when least expected. With hearts racing and excitement building, this Auburn family’s photo is a testament to the unpredictable beauty of everyday moments.

As the school bells ring and students embark on new adventures, let’s remember to keep the excitement alive, embrace the unexpected, and share the joyous back-to-school pictures that capture the essence of this special time of year.

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