“Evil Town” (1987): A Cult Horror Gem
Released in 1987, Evil Town is a chilling entry in 1980s horror. Directed by Larry Spiegel and Mardi Rustam, the film follows a small town with a dark secret: elderly residents kidnap travelers to harvest their organs and prolong their lives.
The low-budget aesthetic and grotesque premise give the film its eerie, campy charm, earning it a cult following despite limited mainstream success.
Lynda Weimaster’s Contribution
Actress Lynda Weimaster delivered a memorable performance, adding depth to the film’s unsettling atmosphere. Though her acting career was brief, her role in Evil Town remains a highlight for fans of cult horror.
Evil Town continues to captivate enthusiasts with its bizarre storyline and eerie vibe, cementing its place as a nostalgic 1980s horror classic.