A Decorative Bathtub Panel Fell off While My Husband Was on a Business Trip — What I Found under the Bathtub Made Me Go Pale

Emily’s life took an unexpected turn when a text to her husband about fixing a decorative bathtub panel sparked a panicked response. “NOOO! Don’t you dare touch it or look inside. NEVER.” Curious, Emily investigated and found an envelope hidden behind the panel. Inside was an ultrasound image with the words, “Daddy, I’m coming soon.”

Shocked and hurt, Emily hired a private detective, Sam, to uncover the truth. A week later, Sam revealed that David, her husband, had been having an affair with his colleague, Lisa, who was six months pregnant. Betrayed and heartbroken, Emily decided to take action.

Emily planned a birthday party for David with a hidden agenda. The cake displayed the ultrasound image and the words, “Daddy, I’m coming soon.” As guests gasped, thinking it was a surprise pregnancy announcement, Emily revealed the truth: “David is going to be a father, but the mother is his mistress, Lisa.”

The festive atmosphere vanished. David’s face drained of color, and Lisa looked mortified. Friends and family were stunned, and David’s boss, Mr. Flanagan, expressed his disappointment and requested a meeting with David and Lisa to discuss their future at the company.

Emily, determined to move on, told David it was over. She packed her bags and moved in with her friend Jessica, who supported her through the ordeal. Despite David’s pleas and promises, Emily stood firm. She contacted a lawyer and began the process of divorce.

With the help of her friends and family, Emily started rebuilding her life. She focused on work, hobbies, and self-discovery, even taking a solo trip to the mountains to find peace.

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