Prayer for a House..

Is your housing situation less than adequate? Do you dream of a better, safer, more spacious, and most importantly of all, PAID-FOR house? If so, I want to help you build your faith today for the Lord’s provision in your housing. So, pray this prayer for a paid-for house (below) with me, and believe God’s promises!

First, should you really believe for something so big as a paid-for house?

Answer: YES.

Why? For many reasons, but here’s one that came as a HUGE revelation to me a few months ago:

Jesus said we are to pray “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

And you know what? In Heaven, you have a great, big MANSION. Not just a little cabin or a tiny she-shed. Not just a little man-cave shed to live in. No, you have a golden mansion encrusted with jewels. Everything in your mansion in Heaven is the finest of the fine …

… and it’s paid-for.

Your house in Heaven is paid for by the blood of Jesus. It’s paid for by His grace.

You didn’t have to earn it. (There’s nothing you could have done that would even be good enough to earn it anyway.) You didn’t have to labor or sweat for it. You didn’t have to save for years to get it. You didn’t have to do anything awful or hard, and it didn’t take you twenty-five years to receive it.

You received your paid-for MANSION in Heaven in one moment: at the moment you gave your life to Jesus. In that very moment, everything God has–including a mansion just for you in Heaven–became yours.

All by the blood of Jesus.


If you’re to pray that EVERYTHING on earth is supposed to look like Heaven …

… and if you have a beautiful, paid-for home in Heaven …

… and if you didn’t have to do anything to get that home except receive Jesus as your Savior, and it’s all provided by His grace …

… then doesn’t that mean that you should, very literally, have a totally paid-for, beautiful house here on the earth–also provided by grace? Also bought and provided to you–PAID FOR–by the blood of Jesus?

Of course it does!

So you need to believe God for a paid-for house.


I don’t know what kind of house you dream of; but whatever that is, you need to believe God for it. Also, you need to pray for it often. Your prayers give the Lord permission to operate on your behalf on the earth.

So are you ready to pray and believe? If so, pray this prayer for a paid-for house with me:

“Father God, I come before You in Jesus’ name.

Father, I’m so thankful for where I live now. Thank you for providing for me and keeping me alive. Thank You for granting me shelter, clothes to wear, and food to eat. You are so good to me, and it’s all by Your grace; I certainly don’t deserve it. But You saved me, made me right with You by the blood of Jesus, and filled me with Your Spirit. You provide for all my needs, and I can’t thank You enough.

Abba Father, Your Word says that I have not because I ask not. You also said that we should not ask wrongly, but that we should ask for the right reasons, not so we can consume things in lust.

Father, I am thankful for where You’ve already given me to live. However, I also have a special request to make of You today, and I know that You’ll listen.

Father, my prayer today is for a beautiful, paid-for house to live in.

Abba, before I tell You about my request–even though I know You already know it–I want to tell You why I’m asking for this today.

Lord, I’m asking You for a paid-for house today because Your Word says that he who comes to God must believe that You exist, and that You are the rewarder of them that diligently seek You (Hebrews 11:6). I do believe You exist, and I am seeking You diligently; and I believe You will reward me.

I’m asking because Your Word says that, if I delight myself in You, You will give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4) … and a paid-for house is the desire of my heart.

I’m asking because You said I have not because I ask not (James 4:2-3).

I definitely don’t want to go without for the sake of not asking! I’m going to be bold and ask, Father!

I’m asking because Your Word says that I should come BOLDLY before the throne of grace, where I may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

I’m asking because You said that I should ask, and I will receive. I should seek, and I will find. I should knock, and the doors will be opened to me (Matthew 7:7-8). You said that anyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. So I’m definitely asking!

Father, Your Word also says that Jesus purchased the right for me to live in a PERFECT state of shalom: “nothing missing, nothing broken.”

Your Word says that You will keep me in perfect shalom peace if my mind is stayed on You. My mind IS stayed on You, Lord, for I trust in You.

Your Word says that You, Jesus, are my Prince of Peace. You provide peace everywhere You go. So I believe You can and will bring me into a place of shalom–nothing missing, nothing broken–right now.

Your Word also says that the chastisement that gives me peace was upon YOU.

That means the punishment and chastising I deserve for buying this house, renting this house, or arriving in this place through my own bad decisions has already been paid for. Yes, I deserve to be punished. I shouldn’t have made the decisions I did, and I deserve to suffer the consequences.

But Jesus, the chastisement that gives me peace was upon You.

That’s what Your Word says. So even though, yes, I deserve to suffer long enough and try to work my way out of this mess, Your Word says that You are so good–and You love me SO much–that You went ahead and took those penalties for me, too, Jesus.

So Jesus, I repent for those decisions that I made that were against Your will.

I confess that I made the mistakes that got me into this mess (insert mistakes here as needed). I confess my disobedience and bad stewardship to You.

Forgive me, Abba Father. Cover me with the blood of Jesus, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit where that was. Change my heart, Lord, and help me to make every decision for You–and with Your wisdom–from now on.

Thank You, Lord God Almighty, for forgiving me by Your grace. Thank You for washing away these decisions from me–and the need for me to be punished and chastised for them–as far as the east is from the west. Thank You for covering me and my bad decisions with the blood of Jesus.

Thank You for forgiving me, Lord.

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