Waitress Gets A Note From A Widow Dining Alone And It Has Her In Tears

One waitress gets a note from a widow after sitting down and talking with her during her shift. What a sweet interaction that had an impact on both women!

Megan King is a waitress and she recently saw an elderly woman at the restaurant that she works at eating by herself. She noticed that she was quietly sitting and seemed to be reflecting on something while eating her meal.

That’s when Megan decided to take a pause in her busy workday and join the woman at her table. The two talked for a bit before Megan got back to her work duties.

“She came in about halfway through my 17-hour shift, and it was on Sunday, which is always pretty busy,” Megan shared. “About halfway through her meal, it started to slow down so we chatted for a few minutes. Small talk, nothing too deep. She told me she was almost 70… and she just wanted to stop by an old favorite for a bite.”

Waitress Gets Note From Widow And Is In Tears

Little did Megan know how much that interaction meant to that elderly woman. Before she left, the elderly woman decided to leave Megan a note sharing how her act of kindness made her feel.

“Thank you very much for your kind service. This was my first time eating out alone since my husband passed. I was hoping I could get through it,” the note read.

As soon as Megan saw the handwritten note, she had to fight back tears and went to the restroom to gather herself from the wave of emotions. She took a picture of the sweet note. She also took a picture of her smiling with one tear rolling down her face, and she posted both of the pictures online.

“This is my real smile because I am very happy and that note did not break my heart at all,” she wrote in her caption.

This story reminds us that one simple act of kindness can mean so much to one person. You never know what people are going through and sharing a smile or a nice chat could really make someone’s whole day! Let’s all go out into the world and try to share God’s love with others each and every day.

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