Man Shoots 820-Pound Creature In His Front Yard, Quickly Realizes What It Is

Alabama Man Encounters Massive 820-pound Hog on His Lawn

In a shocking encounter, Wade Seago from rural Samson, Alabama, found a massive 820-pound feral hog right outside his home.

An Unexpected Guest

Wade’s schnauzer, Cruiser, is familiar with the wildlife surrounding their house, typically barking at deer or raccoons. So when Cruiser’s barking became persistent, Wade assumed it was just another typical critter. However, his daughter’s scream changed everything.

Rushing to the front window, Wade recalled, “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.” Merely 5 yards from his porch stood the massive hog, with intimidating tusk-like teeth approximately 6 inches long. Concerned for Cruiser’s safety and his family’s, Wade quickly fetched his .38 caliber revolver.

“By the time I got in a position to shoot, the hog was about 12 yards away,” said Wade. It took three shots to subdue the enormous creature. The hog’s massive size became more evident when Wade took it to Brooks Peanut Company the next day, where it tipped the scales at an astonishing 820 pounds.

The Challenge of Feral Hogs

Running a taxidermy business and being an avid deer hunter, Wade is no stranger to wildlife. But even for him, the hog’s size was unprecedented.

Feral hogs, classified as an invasive species, are prevalent in Alabama. With their rapid breeding and limited natural predators, they often cause significant damage to the environment, including indigenous plants. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates the hogs cause a whopping $800 million in agricultural damages annually.

Wade revealed plans to display the hog’s head and shoulders in his taxidermy shop. However, he discarded the rest, citing concerns about the safety of consuming the meat, especially given the humid conditions.

Alabama law, aiming to manage the rising hog population, allows hunters to cull as many hogs as they wish on private property.

Safety First

Despite the unique incident, Wade remains firm about his decision to tackle the hog. Given its massive size and close proximity, it could have posed a genuine threat to his family’s safety.

In reflection, he asserted, “I didn’t think twice about taking down this hog. I’d do it again tomorrow.”

Encounters like these underscore the unexpected challenges nature can sometimes present, even in familiar surroundings.

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