You cannot treat people like garbage and worship God at the same time.

You cannot treat people like garbage and expect the Almighty to be there beside you in all your ups and downs.

It is essential to understand that humanity is the greatest of all religions in this world, and if you stand beside, God is sure to stand beside you in your times of crisis.

Many a time, we worship God and offer prayers to him expecting him to do good for us. On the other hand, we tend to treat people like trash and pay no respect to the elders and other members either.

You cannot treat people like garbage and expect God to hear your prayers. If you truly want to serve God, be wise enough to serve the humans around you at first.

You cannot always offer prayers to God and think that he will be listening to it all. He would definitely not listen to your prayers if you are not a good human being from within.

In today’s world, it becomes extremely easy to go to the temple or church and offer sweets and put it on God’s name. However, people usually ignore serving human beings instead which has now become the need of the hour.

If you are actually a genuine person, you should always pay attention to the crisis going around you and listen to the urges of the people right there. You should not treat people like garbage and offer them all the respect that they actually deserve.

You must understand that humanity is the biggest form of worship, and if you truly want to worship God, first learn to value the humans around you.

You must have an intention to help the underprivileged sections of the society and try to invest upon good causes. If you have such an intention, God will automatically listen to your prayers.

Remember that God knows it all, and he is aware of all your actions. When you do something for a good cause, it is even greater than praying to God

Therefore, it is good enough to visit the temple or the church and offer your prayers to the Almighty every morning, but at the same time, you should be careful about your own actions and be wise enough to distinguish between the right and the wrong ones.

Do things that make you feel blessed instead of doing things that will stand as nothing but a mere show-off.

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