A 9 years old child receives a Divine message instructing her to investigate the trees, prompting her to approach and discover an abandoned infant.

A Miraculous Rescue: 9-Year-Old Girl Saves Abandoned Newborn

In a remarkable turn of events, a newborn baby boy, abandoned with his placenta and umbilical cord still attached, was discovered in the backyard of a residence. Thankfully, the life of this vulnerable infant was spared, all thanks to the heroic actions of a 9-year-old girl who acted as his guardian angel.

A Curious Discovery

While playing in her backyard in Indiana, young Elysa heard unusual sounds that led her to suspect that one of the pigs may have escaped. Driven by curiosity, she decided to investigate. As she cautiously explored the area, she came across a sight that left her terrified—a glimpse of tiny, pink limbs.

“It completely startled me. I had no idea what it could be,” Elysa expressed in an interview with CBS 2’s Brad Edwards.

A Life-Saving Revelation

Quickly realizing the gravity of the situation, Elysa rushed back to the house and informed her mother, Heidi Laub, about the perplexing discovery. Heidi investigated further and was stunned to find an infant near a bush.

“Oh my God, it’s a baby,” Heidi exclaimed. Elysa echoed the same astonishment, saying, “What?!”

Recognizing the baby’s liveliness through the movement of his tiny legs, Elysa knew that immediate action was necessary. She shared, “I instantly recognized that it was alive, and I knew we had a critical situation. I had no doubt in my mind. I knew we needed to seek assistance.”

A Miraculous Intervention

The baby was swiftly taken to St. Anthony’s Hospital, where medical professionals confirmed his well-being. Astonishingly, they determined that the newborn was only a day old.
The Lake County Sheriff’s office acknowledged Elysa as the baby’s guardian angel, recognizing her extraordinary role in saving his life.

“I didn’t accomplish this on my own. Someone assisted me – God. He guided me to that spot,” Elysa emphasized.

Elysa continued, explaining the significance of her intuitive actions, “If I hadn’t been present and if God hadn’t directed my thoughts – if my mind hadn’t urged me to approach that area, we would have discovered a lifeless infant in the yard later today. The outcome would have been much more tragic and entirely different.”

Thanks to the brave and compassionate actions of young Elysa, the abandoned baby was granted a second chance at life.

Watch the Inspiring Video

To witness the heartwarming details of this miraculous rescue, please watch the video below:

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