Mark Wahlberg Refuses To Deny His Christian Faith Even Though It’s ‘Not Popular’ In Hollywood

Christianity may not be popular in Hollywood, but that’s not going to stop Mark Wahlberg from preaching the word of God.
There are far too few Christian actors working in Hollywood today, which is why it’s so refreshing that Mark Wahlberg has long been so open about his faith. In a new interview, Wahlberg is opening up about why he’ll never deny his Christian faith even though it’s “not popular” in the entertainment world.

Wahlberg’s Faith Is ‘Everything’ To Him
“[Faith] it’s everything, it’s afforded me so many things,” Wahlberg told Fox News. “God didn’t come to save the saints, He came to save the sinners… We want to be better versions of ourselves, and through focusing my faith, it’s allowed me to do that.”

Wahlberg went on to say that despite being proud of his faith, he never wants to force it on anyone.

“It’s a balance. I don’t wanna jam it down anybody’s throat, but I do not deny my faith. That’s an even bigger sin,” he explained. “You know, it’s not popular in my industry, but, you know, I cannot deny my faith. It’s important for me to share that with people.”

“I have friends from all walks of life and all different types of faiths and religions, so you know, it’s important to respect and honor them as well,” Wahlberg continued.

Wahlberg’s ‘Pray 40-Day Lent Challenge’
Wahlberg gave this interview with ashes on his forehead, as today is Ash Wednesday, and he’s currently promoting his “Pray 40-Day Lent Challenge” on the Catholic prayer app called “Hallow.” Wahlberg is a firm believer that those who believe in God can challenge themselves on the holy day of prayer.

“God knows the things that he wants you to detach from… we all know those things that… make us feel guilty, don’t make us feel as good as we should,” he said. “So being able to detach from those things and focus on… good habits as opposed to bad habits… just challenging people to be better versions of themselves.”

Wahlberg then talked about the importance of “discipline” in his life.

“Discipline has always been important for me in life. Once I started getting into movies and transitioned from music, I realized I needed a lot of discipline in my life,” he stated. “And that discipline has afforded me so many other things.”

“I want to share that with people. So whether that’s with fasting… detaching from other things and just spending more time with God in prayer or in thoughtful reflection and those things are important,” he concluded.

Check out Wahlberg’s full interview on this in the video below.Wahlberg Focusing On ‘Faith-Based Content’

This comes one year after Wahlberg revealed that he wants to focus on “faith-based content” moving forward in his career.“I feel like this is starting a new chapter for me in that, now, doing things like this –– real substance –– can help people,” Wahlberg told Entertainment Tonight. “I definitely want to focus on making more. I wouldn’t say necessarily just faith-based content but things that will help people.”

“So, hopefully, this movie will open a door for not only myself but for lots of other people in Hollywood to make more meaningful content,” he added.

As one of the most famous people in the world, Wahlberg has a huge platform, so we applaud him for using it to spread the word of God. The world would truly be a better place if more stars would do the same!

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